Now is early in the morning.
And I gotta go to UNI later,yesh you didn't read wrongly....I have to go to uni for my latin zachut.
The bulldog teacher.Grrrr
And yeah,these few days i 'am' very emo.
Why emo?You guys are smart just guess.
Well,i wanna share a story.
You guys sure thinking:"what?!story?!LAME!We wanna see photos la!!"
Oppsy,sorry no photos because i using iphone now.
Here we go,
A long long time ago,super super long time ago.Before dinasour die....LOL(bombastic!)
There was a guy call "M",he brought his gf to a sushi palace on their first date.
And then he told his gf:"Before u use the wood chostick u hv to make a wish and then seperate them.
The gf i think is low IQ,she seriously go and make a wish.
And everytime he brought her to sushi palace she will make the same wish:she wish today(that day),will be a happy day.*with him.
And then one day,the guy just disappeared and the girl still continue to make the same wish everytime she went to sushi palace.
But this time,the girl make a diff wish:"She hope today,he will be happy."
Lol.happy ending:)
Bye.Good luck to all my friends(all the bulldog student)