Blogger Templates

Friday, May 27, 2011


This baby so cute...
He is posing " Onion's pose =[[ "

I am happy someone really feel what I actually feel.
I am glad.SUPER.

And stop disturb my life.
I could have a better life without ****.
**** came my dream. AGAIN.

I not dare to sleep anymore...
I want it to stop there.
No **** in my life or even in my dream.
My msn,Skype,Oovoo,Facebook.

Maybe one day later we might meet.
And I will fake a smile,then walk away.
No "Hi',No "Bye",No chit chat,No "How are you"
Just a FAKE smile.

And maybe after few years later...
We might meet.
I might forget who you are.
And I will say ,
to a random stranger :)

And yea...
Lao Da love you
so I gonna leave Lao Da alone in a dark and scary space.
Lao Da,I'm sorry.
Mummy love you still.No Doubt.
Just...have to move on =]